Charalambos & Elena Pattihis Foundation

A Force for Positive Change in Cyprus

Charalambos and Elena Pattihis, deeply connected to the Cypriot community, have a history of providing assistance to fellow Cypriots through both monetary and practical means. They established the Charalambos and Elena Pattihis Foundation in 2020 to amplify their philanthropic efforts.

The Foundation’s Mission is to improve the quality of life in Cyprus across five areas: Social Welfare, Education, Culture, Health, and the Environment

Despite challenges, the Foundation has made significant progress in achieving its goals, thanks to its dedicated founders, volunteers, and staff. The Foundation remains committed to cultivating positive change in the community, upholding its Vision, Mission and Values, and expanding its impact for a resilient and flourishing Cyprus.

Our Work

The Charalambos & Elena Pattihis Foundation is dedicated to advancing its Vision, Mission and Values through strategic partnerships. By signing Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with local organisations, we create synergistic alliances across key charitable sectors. These MoUs serve as tangible commitments to amplify the positive impact of our collective charitable initiatives, bolstering Social Welfare, Education, Culture, Health, and Environmental causes in Cyprus. Through collaboration, we leverage strengths, resources, and expertise to make a lasting difference.

Would you like to request a Grant?

At the Charalambos & Elena Pattihis Foundation, we’re dedicated to supporting worthy causes in Social Welfare, Education, Culture, Health, and the Environment. To ensure our funds make a meaningful impact, our Grants Policy is the compass guiding us. Grant requests must align with at least one of our 5 Pillars of Action, with emphasis on sustainability, community engagement, and lasting change. Demonstrating sound financial practices and a commitment to transparency is vital for eligibility.

Learn more about requesting a Grant: